This podcast came to life because we wanted to put our voices behind our articles and bring you an inside view of our job. This podcast is not just about us, the reporters at NOW. It is to give a glimpse into what it means to be a journalist during these times in Lebanon.
Political crises. Economy in free fall. No electricity. Long lines at gas stations. A cold winter. Poverty.
We cover them all. We also live them all. Journalists venture outside during pandemic lockdowns with a mask and a bottle of disinfectant.
We cover protests and riots. We interpret data from Excel sheets.
We design infographics, shoot videos, take pictures.
We do our best to pressure politicians. We ask questions.
This is our story, a glimpse inside our world. And these are our stories.
You can find our weekly episodes on Soundcloud and Youtube.
This podcast is produced by Dana Hourany.
Editor: Ana Maria Luca
Reporter: Dana Hourany