They called him “Daddy”. Antoine Barmaki, 75. He told his children to enjoy their lives while they still had them.
“The beast of Barja”. Mohammad Alaa Din Damaj, 24. He loved playing pranks on his friends. Foreman at the port, he was during his usual shift when the explosion hit.
“Abo Ali”. Hasan Kamal Haydar, 56 , fathr of 3. He loved to play the oud. Before he left for his final shift at the grain silos, he kissed his grown children on their heads.
“The love birds”. Malak Bazaza, 29, and Ali Ayoub, 45, parents of two toddlers. They died together while having dinner at Loris, in Gemmayze. Their children don’t understand where their parents went.
Their mothers and their children remember them the way they were: happy, loving, dancing, and singing.
Dana Hourany is a filmmaker and multimedia reporter with @NOW_leb. She is on Instagram @danahourany.